Since 2005, our CEO and Change Maestro has had the ability to bring to you a series of titles published by a Print on Demand publisher or by Productivity Press, one of the largest publishing houses in the world of releasing books to the marketplace. Below are the summaries of each of the current titles.
Through GOM Publishing we released Just Get Me There: A Journey through Corporate Relocation. At the time it was the first comprehensive review of the history of the corporate relocation industry from the original first transferee by AmericanExpress/Wells Fargo in the 1800's to the founders of the industry up to the beginning of the twentieth century.
First title released by Productivity Press. From the history and evolution of the Total Quality movement to initiatives for introducing a Six Sigma continuous process improvement strategy in your HR department, Achieving HR Excellence through Six Sigma introduces a new way to envision your role within the organization. It explains how this powerful methodology works and supplies a roadmap to help you find and eliminate waste in your HR processes.
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The Field Guide to Achieving HR Excellence through Six Sigma provides detailed guidance on how to utilize the Six Sigma methodology and the TLS Continuum to achieve the business model that is required to thrive in today’s business environment. The book demonstrates a clear path to continuous improvement that is based on the practice of spreading quality throughout the organization so that it becomes everyone’s responsibility. This book is the sequel to Achieving HR Excellence through Six Sigma. In this book, Daniel Bloom provides a road map on how to implement the concepts found in the first book.The book begins by explaining how to create an HR Center of Excellence and then provides an understanding of the define-measure-analyze-improve-control (DMAIC) process and its implementation for HR. This road map will help you determine where your organization is failing to meet the voice of the customer.
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The Excellent Education System:Using Six Sigma to Transform Schools helps you discover and understand the technique of evidence-based learning and operations through which the modern school satisfies the need to increase the flow of successful students through the educational system from Kindergarten through Grade 12. This book explains, in clear terms, what educational excellence means and the principles of process improvement. In addition, it gives your an introduction to the Six Sigma methodology. Included in the discussion are case studies of educational professionals who have found a new world centered in the evidence-based educational processes. These processes lead to many examples of dramatic turnarounds in some failing schools. The author presents strategies and actions that you can use to improve schools such as those presented in the case studies. The Appendices provide a wide variety of tactical resources for implementation.
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Reality and Perception and Your Company's Workplace Culture presents a demonstrable path for navigating the change-management process from beginning to end while fully detailing its obstacles and its triumphs. The book presents the view of a fictional 100-year old company called Acme Gyroscope, which is a family owned and run business, and the reader sees how the operation was ruled with an iron hand by the outgoing CEO. When the son of this current CEO assumes the role, he finds that the processes and culture within the organization are not quite as rosy as he thought they were. The new CEO finds that there is a wide divide between what is believed and what is real.
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One of the major discussions in the business world is: How do we get our human capital assets more engaged in the organization? Current Gallup Polls state that 85% of our employees are not engaged within their organizations. Employee Empowerment:The Prime Component of Sustainable Change Management, fully analyzes this workplace condition, which is a major concern for most CEOs. The solution proposed by this book is the introduction of the TLS (Theory of Constraints - Lean - Six Sigma) Continuum Empowerment model, which comprises three levels of empowerment – Management, Cross-Functional Team, and Individual. The first is the empowerment that comes from upper management to the organization as a whole. The second level is the empowerment that comes from the various cross-functional teams and the final level is from the individuals themselves through their ability to take ownership in the processes in which they are involved. The end solution in the book is that if we can get the human capital assets to take ownership of the processes (that is, empower the front-line employees), it will increase the level of engagement. If they become more engaged they will empower the organization at all levels to introduce sustainable change management to resolve problems within the organization. One of the tools of individual empowerment is the use of the Six Sigma toolbox. This book makes the case that when human capital assets take ownership of the processes, then we have greater engagement, and thus a more empowered organization.
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Achieving HR Excellence through Six Sigma 2nd Edition updates the 2013 title with the same name. The first edition of this book was one of the first to demonstrate how HR professionals could enhance their careers by learning the language of business — it introduced the evolution of change management and the change management toolbox in a fashion that could easily be implemented in organizations.
This new edition updates the first with added information on some of the early history and introduces new case study tools resulting from the author’s continuing work with organizations and in academic environments.
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The TLS Continuum Fieldbook - If we combine the three letters of the acronym what we find that the TLS continuum is organized around a process in itself. We use the Theory of Constraints to locate and identify the obstacles within the system. What is holding up the process? Where is the weakest link in the process? With the introduction of TOC, the system asks you to elevate the obstacles and determine how to remove them. We use Lean to do what it is meant to do and that is to remove the obstacles. We have identified the obstacle and determined through the critical thinking tools how to remove that obstacle and then use the Lean tools to actually remove the waste. Finally, the system utilizes the Six Sigma tools to create the standard of work and remove any variation from the process. When we do this, we have completed the improvement process by creating a progressive system for resolving the problems that occur within many organizations. It is an evidence-based effort to identify, remove and improve the system so the problem does not reoccur.
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