New year. New focus and look for our newsletter. For more than a decde we have told our clients that the journey to operational excellence is a unique journey. It is a journey with a beginning but an uncertain ending.. Mike Rother, in the improvement kata, tells us that we have to understand that we are involved in a human capital management experiment.
Like any experiment things do not always end up the way you think they will. Nature’s ecosystem changes by the minute. There are no two days that are alike. When I worked earlier in my career as an interpretative naturalist, I could walk down a trail two days in a row and things would be different. Sometimes dramatically other times very subtle.
This new format will change the schedule around a bit. Tuesday we will take the journey down the continuum. Thursday we will discuss over 700 strategies to achieve our ultimate goal – process improvement.We also want to empower your involvement. Feel free to post comments on each edition.
Need assistance with your own journey down the continuum? Drop an email to [email protected] and request a half hour free session with s to discuss your situation and how we may be able to help.
Thank you for following
Daniel Bloom SPHR SSBB