It needs to become part of the corporate culture that there is no such thing as it is not my job. (Anonymous)
Change Maestro’s Daily Tip
Innovation consists of looking at what everyone else is looking at but seeing what no one else sees. (Anonymous)
Change Maestro’s Daily Tip
Innovation can be very important, but that could mean small changes to something that is already working.(Anonymous)
Change Maestro’s Daily Tip
Improvement based is complacency is not an improvement (Anonymous)
Change Maestro’s Daily Tip
If you know what the goal is and you know what critical success factors equal success, you know what has to be present to reach that level. (Anonymous)
Change Maestro’s Daily Tip
If the organization sees that quality is a 2nd-class item to the management, it will become a 2nd-class item to the employees too. (Anonymous)
Change Maestro’s Daily Tip
If push came to shove could you do your peer’s job if they were not present? (Anonymous)
Change Maestro’s Daily Tip
Discourage turf wars in your organization. The organization loses. The human Capital assets lose. The customers lose. (Anonymous)
Change Maestro’s Daily Tip
Critical to project success is the removal of the fear of trying. (Anonymous)
Change Maestro’s Daily Tip
Continuous process improvement causes us to think about upstream process not downstream damage control (Anonymous)