Senior management is simply a flag bearer when a business decision is made. It is of no use unless others follow the flag. (Eiji Toyoda)
Change Maestro’s Daily Tip
We have to find a way of making the important measurable, instead of making the measurable important. (Robert McNamara)
Change Maestro’s Daily Tip
The World Belongs to the discontented. (Robert Woodruff)
Change Maestro’s Daily Tip
You have to stand outside the box to see how the box can be re-designed. (Charles Handy)
Change Maestro’s Daily Tip
We need to have faith in the future to make sense of the present. (Charles Handy)
Change Maestro’s Daily Tip
We cannot wait for great visions from great people, for they are in short supply. It is up to us to light our own small fires in the darkness. (Charles Handy)
Change Maestro’s Daily Tip
We are all prisoners of our past. It is hard to think of things except in the way we have always thought of them. But that solves no problems and seldom changes anything. (Charles Handy)
Change Maestro’s Daily Tip
To learn anything other than the stuff you find in books, you need to be able to experiment, to make mistakes, to accept feedback, and to try again. (Charles Handy)
Change Maestro’s Daily Tip
The world by and large has to be reinvented. (Charles Handy)
Change Maestro’s Daily Tip
The organization which treats people as assets can behave differently then the organization which treats people as costs. (Charles Handy)