One of the ways you solve a problem is to become so grounded, so solid, that you actually OUTGROW the problem(Dr.Shawne DuPeron)
TLS Continuum Daily Tip
There is always another way ALWAYS. Keep unpacking until you find it. (Dr. Shawne Duperon)
Change Maestro’s Roadmap Newsletter
New edition of the Change Maestro’s Roadmap Newsletter is now available on LI.
TLS Continuum Daily Tip
Avoidance doesn’t change the truth. The situation or the person. ( Dr. Shawne Duperon)
TLS Continuum Daily Tip
When we believe the impossible, it becomes possible. (Madeline L’Engle)
TLS Continuum Daily Tip
I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions. (Steve Covey)
TLS Continuum Toolbox Newsletter
New Edition of the TLS Continuum Toolbox Newsletter is now available on LI.
TLS Continuum Daily Tip
I have two kinds of problems, the urgent and the important. The urgent are not important, and the important are never urgent. (Gen Dwight David Eisenhower)
TLS Continuum Daily Tip
You can’t just slap a little ointment on it and expect it to clear up forever…”(Katy MIlkman)
The Change Maestro’s Roadmap Newsletter
New edition of Change Maestro’s Roadmap Newsletter is now on LI.