Behavior is the mirror that shows our image. (Mahatma Ghandi)
TLS Continuum Daily Tip
When we don’t see a problem, we can’t solve it. ( Chip and Dan Heath)
TLS Continuum Daily Tip
Big problems are most often solved by a sequence of small solutions, sometimes over weeks, sometimes over decades. (Chip and Dan Heath)
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New edition of the TLS Continuum Toolbox Newsletter is now available on LI
TLS Continuum Daily Tip
Facing a problem, you can choose to exit, exercise voice or depemd on organizational loyalty (Albert Hirschman)
TLS Continuum Daily Tip
If you can’t see it and name a problem, you Can’t solve it.(Kimberle Crenshaew Columbia Law School)
TLS Continuum Daily Tip
A good objective of leadership is to help those who are doing poorly to do well and to help those who are doing well to do even better. (Jim Rohn)
TLS Continuum Daily Tip
Excellence is not a destination,it is a continuous journey that never ends. (Brian Tracy)
TLS Continuum Daily Tip
Practice the philosophy of continuous improvement. Get a little bit better every single day. (Brian Tracy)
TLS Continuum Daily Tip
We learn who we are in practice not in theory. (Dave Epstein)