“Our most innovative thinking often stems from questioning the underlying rules we’d always assumed to be absolute.” (Danny Meyer)
TLS Continuum Daily Tip
If you see obstacles as obstacles you won’t get through them, if you see them as a path forward that is your path. (Sen. Amy Klobachar)
TLS Continuum Daily Tip
The more complex the problem, the simpler the solution must be, or it will not work. (H.L. Mencken)
TLS Continuum Daily Tip
My momma done told me to keep trying. You need to also keep trying if at first you don’t succeed.(Dr. Tony Alessandra)
TLS Continuum Daily Tip
People who say it can’t be done should not interrupt those who are doing it. (George Bernard Shaw)
TLS Continuum Daily Tip
Mistakes aren’t a necessary evil. They aren’t evil at all. They are the inevitable consequence of doing something new. (George Bernard Shaw)
TLS Continuum Daily Tip
If the organization sees that quality is 2nd-class item to the management, it will become a 2nd-class item to the employees too. (Ed Catmull)
TLS Continuum Daily Tip
It is more critical to successful HR that we understand why rather than when. (Ed Catmull)
TLS Continuum Daily Tip
“ Innovation does not have to be about creating the light bulb or the telegraph. Innovation can be very important small changes to something that is already working. That is the stuff that is overlooked and it can take things to the next level.”
TLS Continuum Daily Tip
If we look at organizational problems with bias glasses on, it smells like a rose but is not a rose. (Martin Luther King Jr.)