Process improvement does not happen overnight. (Anonymous)
Change Maestro’s Daily Tip
Problems only get solved when you stop ignoring them. (Anonymous)
Change Maestro’s Daily Tip
Our responsibility is to acquire and maintain customers by meeting their needs not ours. (Anonymous)
Change Maestro’s Daily Tip
Non-value-added activities serve no customer demands. (Anonymous)
Change Maestro’s Daily Tip
Need to obtain the ability to understand the flow through the entire organization. (Anonymous)
Change Maestro’s Daily Tip
Need new talent? Are you ruling candidates in or out? (Anonymous)
Change Maestro’s Daily Tip
Learn to change your organization by presuming that you can. (Anonymous)
Change Maestro’s Daily Tip
It needs to become part of the corporate culture that there is no such thing as it is not my job. (Anonymous)
Change Maestro’s Daily Tip
Innovation consists of looking at what everyone else is looking at but seeing what no one else sees. (Anonymous)
Change Maestro’s Daily Tip
Innovation can be very important, but that could mean small changes to something that is already working.(Anonymous)