Problem Solving truth #19: Simultaneous symptoms usually have a common cause. (Bob Sproull)
TLS Continuum Toolbox Newsletter
A new edition of the TLS Continuum Toolbox Newsletter is now available on LI and Substack.
TLS Continuum Daily Tip
Problem solving truth #18: Symptoms are always a sign that something has changed or is wrong (Bob Sproull)
TLS Continuum Daily Tip
Problem solving truth #17: Never let any problem solving tool completely replace your ability to reason and exercise good judgement. (Bob Sproull)
Change Maestro’s Roadmap Newsletter
Part 2 of the Change Maestro’s Strategies is now available on LI.–ewpwe
TLS Continuum Daily Tip
Problem solving truth #16: Never implement a solution and then assume it is failsafe. (Bob Sproull)
TLS Continuum Daily Tip
Problem solving truth #15: The priority in problem solving is always stopping the negative affects of the problem first (Bob Sproull)
TLS Continuum Daily Tip
Problem solving Truth #8:When describing a problem, always view the problem from two separate perspectives: the object and the obhect’s defect or fault. (Bob Sproull)
TLS Continuum Daily Tip
Problem Solving Truth #7: Today’s problems are yesterday’s solutions implemented without data. (Bob Sproull)
TLS Continuum Daily Tip
Problem Solving Truth #6: Today’s problem solutions could very well be tomorrow’s problems if the right questions are not asked. (Bob Sproull)